Added Twitter (X) tweet mini button to social buttons in WordPress theme of homepage builder (HPB)

update 最終更新日:2024年3月3日 at 3:55 PM

At the bottom of the articles on this website, social buttons such as Facebook's "Like" button, Line's "Send via LINE", Hatena Bookmark's "Register to Hatena Bookmark", and Twitter's Tweet button are displayed.
However, as shown in the screen below (on the left), the Tweet button was displayed in the second row, and it was not very beautiful in terms of design.
Therefore, by modifying the program that manages and displays social buttons and installing a mini button for tweets (the screen on the right side below), it can be displayed on one line. Finally, the display of social buttons is clean.

This site is built with WordPress, one of the CMS, and this WordPress theme program is based on Justsystem's home page builder.
Unfortunately, the theme programs and plugins provided by JustSystems have not been updated in the last few years, so the latest version of WordPress is experiencing system incompatibilities. .
Reasons for the lack of updates include poor management of JustSystems, lack of development costs, absence of developers, and plans to abolish WordPress functions in the near future. If so, you have to do the maintenance yourself.

Originally, it is best to change the theme program, but since the theme program has already been considerably modified and it takes a considerable amount of man-hours to change the theme, I forgot to change the theme. I am.
This site has taken various approaches to the modification of themes and plugins provided by JustSystems, so if you would like to refer to it, please refer to the article linked below.

Homepage Builder Archive | Senri's Portal Site – Shonan Hiratsuka Shemale (

Therefore, regarding the modification and addition of social buttons, it will be necessary to modify the related programs provided by JustSystems by yourself.

2023.04.04 update
Only when you transfer WordPress content from JustSystems hpb22 to the server, the dashboard plugin "hpb Dashboard" will be updated to the latest version.
In the latest version, features such as support for Google Analytics 4, support for breadcrumbs, and removal of obsolete social buttons (Google+) have been released. hpbseo has not been updated.

From now on, I will explain how to add Twitter tweets and mini buttons.

Creating and preparing tweets and mini buttons

First, create an image of the tweet mini button. After creating, upload one file to the following path by FTP.
Since I made it in a hurry this time, I made it with an opaque image, but I plan to remake it with a transparent png image by looking at the machine.


Then open the following file in an editor.


HPB SocialButton management program fix

There are a total of 4 modifications in the social button management program (social_buttons.php).
The marked part is the place where it was added or corrected.

(1) Addition of button

Add the following line.

<div id="tweet_tab">
	<div class="socialType" id="tweet">
		<ul class="buttonTypes">
		<li id="tweet_horizontal"><img id="tweet_horizontal" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/tweet_horizontal.png"></li>
		<li id="tweet_vertical"><img id="tweet_vertical" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/tweet_vertical.png"></li>
		<li id="tweet_nocount"><img id="tweet_nocount" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/tweet_nocount.png"></li>
		<li id="tweet_mini"><img id="tweet_mini" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/tweet_mini.png"></li>

(2) Modification of the display

There are three ways to modify the display, and the scripts are as follows.

① Add the following line

<li id="tweet_mini"><img id="tweet_mini" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/tweet_mini.png"></li>

② Correct the following line

			} else if ( $social_button_id == 'tweet_horizontal' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_vertical' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_nocount' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_mini') {

③ Change / add to the following description

				if( $social_button_id != 'tweet_mini' ) {
					// Twitterシェアボタン(旧スクリプト)
					$twitter_share = '<div><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-lang="ja"'.$twitter_share_data_count.'>ツイート</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.charset="utf-8";;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script></div>'."\n";
				} else {
					// Twitterシェアボタン(新スクリプト)
					$tweet_btn = HPB_PLUGIN_URL . "/image/social_button/tweet_mini.png";
					$twitter_share = '<div><a href="' . get_the_title() . '&url=' . get_the_permalink() . '" onClick=", \'tweetwindow\', \'width=650, height=470, personalbar=0, toolbar=0, scrollbars=1, sizable=1\'); return false;" rel="nofollow" title="ツイート"><img src="' . $tweet_btn . '" alt="ツイート" width="20" height="20" /></a></div>'."\n";

2023.04.06 update
Currently, due to a problem with the Twitter app, when you click the share button, you will get an error saying "There are no search results for the word you entered. Please try again later."
As a countermeasure, change the Twitter link address ""of""Change to.

The insertion point that reflects all the above contents is as follows.(Updated on 2023.04.06 also reflected)
Since it includes script modifications for other social buttons, such as SSL support for the Facebook "Like" button, the entire social button display code (social_buttons.php) is shown below for reference.


function hpb_social_page()
	wp_enqueue_style('hpb_dashboard_admin', HPB_PLUGIN_URL.'/hpb_dashboard_admin.css');
	wp_enqueue_style('hpb_socialbutton_style', HPB_PLUGIN_URL.'/hpb_social_admin.css');
	if ( wp_is_mobile() )
		wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-touch-punch' );
	wp_enqueue_script('hpb_social_admin', HPB_PLUGIN_URL.'/hpb_social_admin.js');
<div id="hpb_dashboard_body">
<form method="post" action="options.php">
<div id="hpb_dashboard_title" class="wrap"><h2><img src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL.'/image/admin/icon_hpb.png';?>">ソーシャルボタン設定</h2></div>
<div class="postbox">
<h3 class="hpb_content_title">ソーシャルボタン</h3>
<div class="hpb_content">
<div id="preview_box">
<div class="hpb_caption">プレビュー</div>
<ul id="socialbuttonlist">
 $hpb_social_buttons_order = hpb_get_social_buttons_order();
 $array_data = explode( ',', $hpb_social_buttons_order );
 foreach( $array_data as $social_button_id ) {
 	if( 0 === strpos($social_button_id ,'google_plusone_')) {
	if( $social_button_id != '' ) {
		if( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_vertical' ) {
			$button_size = ' width="36" height="60"';
		} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_horizontal' ) {
			$button_size = ' width="82" height="20"';
		} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_large' ) {
			$button_size = ' width="40" height="40"';
		} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_medium' ) {
			$button_size = ' width="30" height="30"';
		} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_small' ) {
			$button_size = ' width="20" height="20"';
		} else {
			$button_size = '';
		if ( $social_button_id == 'tweet_horizontal' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_vertical' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_nocount' ) {
			$social_button_id = 'tweet_horizontal_small';
		else if ( $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_standart') {
			$social_button_id = 'facebook_like_standard';
 <li id="<?php echo $social_button_id; ?>"><img id="<?php echo $social_button_id; ?>" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/<?php echo $social_button_id; ?>.png"<?php echo $button_size; ?>></li>
<div id="trashbox">
<span class="over">削除</span>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<div class="hpb_caption">挿入できるボタン</div>
<div id="hpb_social_tabs">
	<ul class="category-tabs">
	<li><a href="#tweet_tab">ツイート</a></li>
	<li><a href="#facebooklike_tab">いいね!</a></li>
	<li><a href="#mixicheck_tab">mixiチェック/mixiイイネ!</a></li>
	<li><a href="#hatenabookmark_tab">はてなブックマーク</a></li>
	<li><a href="#sendbyline_tab">LINEで送る</a></li>
<div id="tweet_tab">
	<div class="socialType" id="tweet">
		<ul class="buttonTypes">
		<li id="tweet_horizontal_small"><img id="tweet_horizontal_small" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/tweet_horizontal_small.png"></li>
		<li id="tweet_horizontal_large"><img id="tweet_horizontal_large" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/tweet_horizontal_large.png"></li>
		<li id="tweet_mini"><img id="tweet_mini" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/tweet_mini.png"></li>
<div id="facebooklike_tab">
	<div class="socialType" id="facebooklike">
		<ul class="buttonTypes">
		<li id="facebook_like_horizontal"><img id="facebook_like_horizontal" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/facebook_like_horizontal.png"></li>
		<li id="facebook_like_vertical"><img id="facebook_like_vertical" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/facebook_like_vertical.png"></li>
		<li id="facebook_like_standard"><img id="facebook_like_standard" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/facebook_like_standard.png"></li>
		<div class="clearfloat"></div>
		<div class="buttonoption">
			<label for="hpb_social_facebook_admins">ユーザーID</label>
			<input size="40" type="text" name="hpb_social_facebook_admins" id="hpb_social_facebook_admins" value="<?php echo get_option('hpb_social_facebook_admins'); ?>"/>
			<label for="hpb_social_facebook_app_id">アプリケーションID</label>
			<input size="40" type="text" name="hpb_social_facebook_app_id" id="hpb_social_facebook_app_id" value="<?php echo get_option('hpb_social_facebook_app_id'); ?>"/>
		<div>取得方法については、FacebookのWebページ をご覧ください。</div>
<div id="mixicheck_tab">
	<div class="socialType" id="mixicheck">
		<ul class="buttonTypes">
		<li id="mixi_check"><img id="mixi_check" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/mixi_check.png"></li>
		<li id="mixi_like"><img id="mixi_like" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/mixi_like.png"></li>
		<div class="clearfloat"></div>
		<div class="buttonoption">
			<label for="hpb_social_mixi_check_key">mixiチェックキー</label>
			<input size="40" type="text" name="hpb_social_mixi_check_key" id="hpb_social_mixi_check_key" value="<?php echo get_option('hpb_social_mixi_check_key'); ?>"/>
		<div>取得方法については、mixiのWebページ をご覧ください。</div>
<div id="hatenabookmark_tab">
	<div class="socialType" id="hatenabookmark">
	<ul class="buttonTypes">
	<li id="hatena_bookmark_horizontal"><img id="hatena_bookmark_horizontal" id="aaaa" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/hatena_bookmark_horizontal.png"></li>
	<li id="hatena_bookmark_vertical"><img id="hatena_bookmark_vertical" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/hatena_bookmark_vertical.png"></li>
	<li id="hatena_bookmark_nocount"><img id="hatena_bookmark_nocount" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/hatena_bookmark_nocount.png"></li>
<div id="sendbyline_tab">
	<div class="socialType" id="sendbyline">
	<ul class="buttonTypes">
	<li id="linebutton_horizontal"><img id="linebutton_horizontal" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/linebutton_horizontal.png" width="82" height="20"></li>
	<li id="linebutton_vertical"><img id="linebutton_vertical" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/linebutton_vertical.png" width="36" height="60"></li>
	<li id="linebutton_large"><img id="linebutton_large" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/linebutton_large.png" width="40" height="40"></li>
	<li id="linebutton_medium"><img id="linebutton_medium" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/linebutton_medium.png" width="30" height="30"></li>
	<li id="linebutton_small"><img id="linebutton_small" src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/linebutton_small.png" width="20" height="20"></li>
<div class="hpb_content">
<?php wp_nonce_field('update-options'); ?>
<div id="hpb_insert_pos_settings"><div class="hpb_caption">挿入位置</div>
<p class="indent1"><input type="checkbox" name="hpb_social_post" id="hpb_social_post" value="1" <?php checked( get_option('hpb_social_post', 1 ), 1 ); ?> /><label for="hpb_social_post"> 投稿単体ページ</label></p>
<p class="indent2"><input type="radio" name="hpb_social_post_insert_position" id="insert_post_before" value="0" <?php checked( get_option('hpb_social_post_insert_position', 0 ), 0 ); ?> /><label for="insert_post_before"><img src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/socialbutton_insert_top.png"/>記事の前</label>
<input type="radio" name="hpb_social_post_insert_position" id="insert_post_after" value="1" <?php checked( get_option('hpb_social_post_insert_position', 0 ), 1 ); ?> /><label for="insert_post_after"><img src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/socialbutton_insert_bottom.png"/>記事の後ろ</label></p>
<p class="indent1"><input type="checkbox" name="hpb_social_page" id="hpb_social_page" value="1" <?php checked( get_option('hpb_social_page', 1 ), 1 ); ?> /><label for="hpb_social_page"> 固定ページ</label></p>
<p class="indent2"><input type="checkbox" name="hpb_social_front_page" id="hpb_social_front_page" value="1" <?php checked( get_option('hpb_social_front_page', 0 ), 1 ); ?> /><label for="hpb_social_front_page"> トップページのみ</label></p>
<p class="indent2"><input type="radio" name="hpb_social_page_insert_position" id="insert_page_before" value="0" <?php checked( get_option('hpb_social_page_insert_position', 0 ), 0 ); ?> /><label for="insert_page_before"><img src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/socialbutton_insert_top.png"/>記事の前</label>
<input type="radio" name="hpb_social_page_insert_position" id="insert_page_after" value="1" <?php checked( get_option('hpb_social_page_insert_position', 0 ), 1 ); ?> ><label for="insert_page_after"/><img src="<?php echo HPB_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/image/social_button/socialbutton_insert_bottom.png"/>記事の後ろ</label></p><br/>
<p class="indent1"><input type="checkbox" name="hpb_social_ogp_set" id="hpb_social_ogp_set" value="1" <?php checked( get_option('hpb_social_ogp_set', 1 ), 1 ); ?> /><label for="hpb_social_ogp_set"> OGPを自動設定する</label></p>
<div class="hpb_content">
<p><input type="hidden" name="hpb_social_buttons_order" id="order" value="<?php echo hpb_get_social_buttons_order() ?>"/><input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('設定を保存する') ?>" /></p></div>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="hpb_social_post, hpb_social_post_insert_position, hpb_social_page, hpb_social_page_insert_position, hpb_social_front_page, hpb_social_archive_page, hpb_social_archive_page_insert_position, hpb_social_buttons_order, hpb_social_ogp_set, hpb_social_mixi_check_key, hpb_social_facebook_admins, hpb_social_facebook_app_id" /></div>

function hpb_social_enqueue_style () {
	if( hpb_is_social() ) {
		wp_enqueue_style( 'hpb_social_style', HPB_PLUGIN_URL.'/'.'hpb_social.css' );

function hpb_is_social() {
	$option_post = get_option( 'hpb_social_post', 1  );
	$option_page = get_option( 'hpb_social_page', 1  );
	$option_archive = get_option( 'hpb_archive_page', 0  );
	if( hpb_get_social_buttons_order() != '' && ( $option_post == 1 || $option_page == 1 ||  $option_archive == 1 ) ) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

function hpb_social_the_content( $content ) {
	if( is_feed() || is_404() || is_robots() ) {
		return $content;

	$option_post = get_option( 'hpb_social_post', 1  );
	$option_page = get_option( 'hpb_social_page', 1  );
	$option_front_page = get_option( 'hpb_social_front_page', 0  );
	$option_archive = get_option( 'hpb_archive_page', 0  );

	$content_social = '';
	if( ( is_singular() && $option_post == 1 && !is_page() ) || ( is_page() && $option_page == 1 && 
		 !( !is_front_page() && $option_front_page == 1 ) ) || ( is_archive() && $option_archive == 1 ) ) {
		$hpb_social_buttons_order = hpb_get_social_buttons_order();
		$array_data = explode( ',', $hpb_social_buttons_order );
		foreach( $array_data as $social_button_id ) {
			if( $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_horizontal' || $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_vertical' || $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_standard' || $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_standart' ) {
				if( $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_horizontal' ) {
					$facebook_like_width = '120';
					$facebook_like_layout = 'button_count';
				} else if ( $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_vertical' ) {
					$facebook_like_width = '75';
					$facebook_like_layout = 'box_count';
				} else if ( $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_standard' || $social_button_id == 'facebook_like_standart'){
					$facebook_like_width = '250';
					$facebook_like_layout = 'standard';

				$fb_appid = get_option('hpb_social_facebook_app_id');

				$STR_DATA_HREF = get_permalink();
				if ( 20200206 >= intval(get_the_date('Ymd')) ) {
					if ( $STR_DATA_HREF !== '' and $STR_DATA_HREF !== '' ) {
						// TOPページ以外でなおかつSSL化前の記事だけ data-href のURLを古いURLに変更する
						$STR_DATA_HREF = str_replace( 'https://', 'http://',$STR_DATA_HREF);
				// Facebookいいね!ボタン表示
				$facebook_like = '<div id="fb-root"></div>
				<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="'.$fb_appid.'&autoLogAppEvents=1 nonce="xQheSmRM"></script>
				<div class="fb-like" data-href="'.$STR_DATA_HREF.'" data-send="false" data-layout="'.$facebook_like_layout.'" data-width="'.$facebook_like_width.'" data-size="small" data-share="true"></div>'."\n";

				$content_social .= $facebook_like;
			} else if ( $social_button_id == 'mixi_check' ) {
				$mixi_check = '<div><a href="" class="mixi-check-button" data-key="'.get_option( 'hpb_social_mixi_check_key' ).'" data-url="'.get_permalink().'">mixiチェック</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div>'."\n";
				$content_social .= $mixi_check;	
			} else if ( $social_button_id == 'mixi_like' ) {
				$mixi_like = '<div><iframe src="'.urlencode(get_permalink()).'&service_key='.get_option( 'hpb_social_mixi_check_key' ).'&show_faces=true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" style="border:0; overflow:hidden; width:120px; height:20px;"></iframe></div>'."\n";
				$content_social .= $mixi_like;	
			} else if ( $social_button_id == 'tweet_horizontal' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_vertical' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_nocount' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_horizontal_small' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_horizontal_large' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_mini') {
				if( $social_button_id == 'tweet_horizontal' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_vertical' || $social_button_id == 'tweet_nocount' ){
					$social_button_id = 'tweet_horizontal_small';
				if( $social_button_id == 'tweet_horizontal_small' ) {
					$twitter_share_data_size = '';
				} else if( $social_button_id == 'tweet_horizontal_large' ) {
					$twitter_share_data_size = ' data-size="large"';

				if( $social_button_id != 'tweet_mini' ) {
					// Twitterシェアボタン(旧スクリプト)
					$twitter_share = '<div><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-lang="ja"'.$twitter_share_data_size.'>ツイート</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script></div>'."\n";
				} else {
					// Twitterシェアボタン(新スクリプト)
					$tweet_btn = HPB_PLUGIN_URL . "/image/social_button/tweet_mini.png";
					$twitter_share = '<div><a href="' . get_the_title() . '&url=' . get_the_permalink() . '" onClick=", \'tweetwindow\', \'width=650, height=470, personalbar=0, toolbar=0, scrollbars=1, sizable=1\'); return false;" rel="nofollow" title="ツイート"><img src="' . $tweet_btn . '" alt="ツイート" width="20" height="20" /></a></div>'."\n";
				$content_social .= $twitter_share;

			} else if ( $social_button_id == 'hatena_bookmark_horizontal' || $social_button_id == 'hatena_bookmark_vertical' || $social_button_id == 'hatena_bookmark_nocount' ) {
				if( $social_button_id == 'hatena_bookmark_horizontal' ) {
					$hatena_bookmark_layout = 'basic-counter';
				} else if( $social_button_id == 'hatena_bookmark_vertical' ) {
					$hatena_bookmark_layout = 'vertical-normal';
				} else if( $social_button_id == 'hatena_bookmark_nocount' ) {
					$hatena_bookmark_layout = 'basic';
				$hatena_bookmark = '<div><a href="'.get_permalink().'" class="hatena-bookmark-button" data-hatena-bookmark-title="'.get_the_title() .'" data-hatena-bookmark-layout="'.$hatena_bookmark_layout.'" title="このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加"><img src="" alt="このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加" width="20" height="20" style="border: none;" /></a><script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="utf-8" async="async"></script></div>'."\n";
				$content_social .= $hatena_bookmark;
			} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_vertical' || $social_button_id == 'linebutton_horizontal' || $social_button_id == 'linebutton_large' || $social_button_id == 'linebutton_medium' || $social_button_id == 'linebutton_small' ) {
				if( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_vertical' ) {
					$line_button_width = '36';
					$line_button_height = '60';
				} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_horizontal' ) {
					$line_button_width = '82';
					$line_button_height = '20';
				} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_large' ) {
					$line_button_width = '40';
					$line_button_height = '40';
				} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_medium' ) {
					$line_button_width = '30';
					$line_button_height = '30';
				} else if ( $social_button_id == 'linebutton_small' ) {
					$line_button_width = '20';
					$line_button_height = '20';
				$send_by_line = '<div><a href="'.urlencode(get_the_title()) .'%0D%0A'.urlencode(get_permalink()) .'" class="send-by-line-button" target="blank" title="LINEで送る"><img src="'.HPB_PLUGIN_URL.'/image/social_button/'.$social_button_id.'.png" width="'.$line_button_width.'" height="'.$line_button_height.'" alt="LINEで送る" style="border:none; width:'.$line_button_width.'px !important; height:'.$line_button_height.'px !important;"></a></div>'."\n";
				$content_social .= $send_by_line;

	if( $content_social !== '' ) {
		$content_social = '<div class="hpb_social">'.$content_social.'</div>'."\n";

	$option_post_insert_position = get_option( 'hpb_social_post_insert_position', 0  );
	$option_page_insert_position = get_option( 'hpb_social_page_insert_position', 0  );
	$option_archive_page_insert_position = get_option( 'hpb_social_archive_page_insert_position', 0  );

	if(  ( is_singular() && !is_page() && $option_post_insert_position == 0 ) || ( is_page() && $option_page_insert_position == 0 && 
		 !( !is_front_page() && $option_front_page == 1 )) || ( is_archive() && $option_archive_page_insert_position == 0 )  ) {
		return $content_social.$content;
	} else {
		return $content.$content_social;

	return $content;

function hpb_get_social_buttons_order() {
	return get_option( 'hpb_social_buttons_order', 'facebook_like_vertical,hatena_bookmark_vertical,tweet_horizontal_small,linebutton_large' );

function hpb_head_social() {

	if( is_feed() || is_404() || is_robots() ) {
	$option_post = get_option( 'hpb_social_post', 1  );
	$option_page = get_option( 'hpb_social_page', 1  );
	$option_archive = get_option( 'hpb_archive_page', 0  );
	$content_social = '';
	if( !( $option_post == 1  || $option_page == 1 || $option_archive == 1 ) ) {
	if( get_option( 'hpb_social_ogp_set', 1 ) == 1 && ( is_single() || is_page() ) ) {
		while( have_posts() ) : the_post(); global $id;

	$STR_OGP_URL = get_permalink();	// og:url
	if ( 20200206 >= intval(get_the_date('Ymd')) ) {
		if ( $STR_OGP_URL !== '' and $STR_OGP_URL !== '' ) {
			// TOPページ以外でなおかつSSL化前の記事だけ og:url のURLを古いURLに変更する
			$STR_OGP_URL = str_replace( 'https://', 'http://',$STR_OGP_URL);

<meta property="og:title" content="<?php the_title(); ?> | <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo esc_url($STR_OGP_URL); ?>"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo esc_url(hpb_get_thumbnail_url($id,'large')); ?>"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo esc_url(hpb_get_thumbnail_url($id,'medium')); ?>"/>

<meta property="og:description" content="<?php echo strip_tags(get_the_excerpt()); ?>"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="<?php hpb_get_og_type() ?>"/>
<?php $fb_admins = get_option('hpb_social_facebook_admins'); if( $fb_admins != '' ) {?>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="<?php echo $fb_admins; ?>"/>
<?php } $fb_appid = get_option('hpb_social_facebook_app_id'); if( $fb_appid != '' ) {?>
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="<?php echo $fb_appid; ?>"/>

}		endwhile;

function hpb_get_og_type() {
	if( is_front_page() ) {
		echo 'website';
	}  else  {
		echo 'article';

function hpb_og_image_url($id) {
	$attachment_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($id) );
	if ( $attachment_image ){
		echo $attachment_image[0];
	} else {
		$query = 'post_parent=' . $id . '&post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image';
		$postImg = get_children($query);
		if ( !empty($postImg) ){
			$keys = array_keys($postImg);
			$num = $keys[sizeOf($keys)-1];
			$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($num, 'thumbnail');
			echo clean_url($thumb[0]);
		}  else {
			echo get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/screenshot.jpg';

function hpb_get_thumbnail_url( $id, $size ) {
	// OGP用サムネイル画像のURL取得
	$thumbnail_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($id, $size);

	if ( !$thumbnail_url ) {
		$query = 'post_parent=' . $id . '&post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image';
		$postImg = get_children($query);
		if ( !empty($postImg) ){
			$keys = array_keys($postImg);
			$num = $keys[sizeOf($keys)-1];
			$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($num, $size);
			$thumbnail_url = clean_url($thumb[0]);
		} else {
			$thumbnail_url = get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/screenshot.jpg';

	return $thumbnail_url;

Social button setting in HPB management screen

As shown below, in the social button settings of the hpb dashboard, place the tweet mini button and check the operation of the management screen.
When you're done, save your social button settings and verify that your article displays the social buttons correctly.

2022.05.21 Addendum

Create a transparent png image

In Photoshop, we created a mini button for a tweet as a transparent png image, as shown below. (The following gallery shows an example of a non-PNG image with transparency processing applied.)
At the same time, the description of the social button management program (social_buttons.php) has also been modified.
In addition, to create a mini button for tweets, it is easier to download the mini button of "Hatena Bookmark" once and create a mini button of tweet based on the PNG image.

P.S. Regarding social buttons, we have confirmed that Facebook's "Like" button is not displayed when using the Galaxy's standard browser.
Problems such as conflicts with Javascript built into Galaxy's standard browser can be considered, but the detailed cause is unknown at this time. Even after disabling the Lazy-Loading feature supported since WordPress 5.5, the result was the same.
In addition, it is displayed without problems on Google Chrome for Android, Safari for iPhone, Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) for Windows, and Google Chrome for Windows.

2023.12.07 Added
In the WordPress 6.4.1 environment, the above problem has not occurred since the Facebook "Like" button script was updated to the latest version (v18.0), but in rare cases, in the Android version of Chrome. , the display may be disrupted due to CSS processing errors, such as social buttons breaking lines in the middle (possibly an app bug).
In that case, clear your browser cache or reinstall the app.
Please note that due to a change in the specifications of Facebook's share button, the text inside the button has been changed from "Share" to "Share".

Addition of X button and change of HPB social button setting screen

With Twitter's transition to X, we added support for the Since it is not visible, I changed the background color to black (right screen).

The background color of this preview screen can be adjusted by modifying the following CSS (hpb_social_admin.css). The corrections are in two commented out lines.

#socialbuttonlist {
	float: left;
	list-style: none;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	padding: 15px 35px 15px 35px;
	border:dashed 4px #dddddd;
#	background-color:#ffffff;

.ui-tabs-panel {
#	background-color:#ffffff;

The download location for the X logo is shown below. There are two versions of the X logo: one for a white background and one for a black background.

Please also refer to the following related articles:

Add this entry to the hasebookmark
X (post)

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